At SNT Industriale, innovation is the engine of growth, and in a market constantly modifying, the ability of renew and innovate is appointed to be ever and ever important; it’s easy to understand how development (R&D) of new components gains a decisive role to maintain competitiveness and satisfaction of customers.
Our technical department handles all the phases of research and development process, starting from design in CAD 2D/3D to industrialization of the product through every level of manufacturing.
Planning of essential quality and reliability controls through specific equipment is managed internally by our metrology lab, where we conduct tests of hardness and measurements thanks to tooling as: profilometers, roughness testers, roundness testers and an anderometer for testing the bearings, bench hardness tester and automatic hardness tester to inspect Rockwell’s and a new Mitutoyo CMM coordinates measurement machine for in-depth measurements of min/max guaranteed tolerances.
The in-line controls are arranged through specific control plans during the design and are executed at 100% through equipment as micrometer and digital calipers placed beside all the machineries in order to preventively identify the effective suitability of our releasers in every conditions.
Furthermore, to achieve final approval and preventive homologation of new developments, it has been realized a quality room with a new control desk that allows us to test the releasers simulating real operations of the clutches on the vehicles, either with functional tests of vibrations, mechanical noise and temperature of the bearings, or durability tests that simulate the entire life of the bearing and verify their reliability even in extreme conditions.